The Third Instinct

Coming Soon!

To be released on Dec. 6, The Third Instinct, the Dan Clifford sequel to The Seventh Sun.

A high-octane thriller that sets Dan Clifford against ancient secret societies vying for power in the modern world; in the vein of Dan Brown's Robert Langdon series.

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Official Release!

"In a breathtaking debut, Kent Lester has married fast-paced narrative and cutting-edge, reality-based science to produce an edge-of-the-seat thriller"

The Seventh Sun.


The fifth edition of the bestselling how-to book The Complete Guide to Contracting Your Home has been released with all new content including an extended chapter on green construction.

On Sale Now

The official release date for The Seventh Sun has arrived, you can now pick up copies at your local Barnes and Noble, Independent Bookstore, and Amazon.  If you prefer audio books, The Seventh Sun is also available from Audible. Help us make the bestseller lists!  Also, don't forget to leave reviews and update your Goodreads reading list.

What They're Saying

A workbook in the fullest sense, The Complete Guide to Contracting Your Home goes well beyond the crash courses in home building and words of encouragement of similar books.  An exhaustive work, recommended for public libraries serving knowledgeable amateur builders.

--Bill Demo, Library Journal

The Fifth Edition of Contracting is Out

The latest edition of Contracting will hit the bookshelves on February 12, 2017

There were many times when I wondered if this day would ever arrive, but the final hardcover copies of The Seventh Sun have arrived in bookstores. This represents a culmination of several years of drafts, queries, edits, publicity, and general mayhem.

The official website of Kent Lester has been redesigned to take full advantage of social networking and social media.